Jawfish and Cleanup crew

I've decided I want to keep a couple Jawfish in my tank once it's done cycling (I just started 7 days ago, I haven't even bothered testing the levels yet, but the shrimp is starting to smell ripe!)
My questions are:
How do they get along with the cleanup crew?
Will they eat them?
Will the hermits and snails annoy the jawfish?
It's a 20 gallon FOWLR tank (DSB=4.5") that I'm building a 10 gallon Fuge for (this weekend) for a total volume of about 25 gallons of water.
I don't intend to keep any other fish in the tank at this time and I am aware of the Jawfish's pechant for carpet surfing. (Hopefully) Adequate precautions will be taken.
I also have a 75 gallon tank that I won't be setting up for a while. (My lease runs out in 8 months and I'm almost certain I'll be moving.) I plan to use the knowledge learned in this first tank (Along with the LS and LR :) ) to start the 75 when I eventually get settled.
Any answers or advice will be appreciated


Active Member
With the DSB you're planning you should be fine. As you stated take precautions with jumping. Your jawfish should ignore any inverts you have. There primary diet is zooplankton so any small food should be fine. Great fish with lots of personality. A couple should be ok but there is always the chance they'll fight for territory in a small tank.
Good Luck!

the claw

Active Member
Make sure your live rock is stable. They like to burrow under the rocks, and if they aren't stable on the bottom of your tank, a landslide can occur and send live rock through glass. That and they can find the smallest of exits out the top.
Good luck. Thye are alot of fun to watch.
I prepped the tank with that in mind. I have a piece of flat base rock sitting on about 1/4" of sand on the bottom with one large piece of base rock sitting firmly on top of it. Then the bottom of it all is surrounded in about 2" of sand. If that's not stable enough then I'm in serious trouble ;)
Plus I have about 5 lbs of live rock rubble strewn around the tank. I intend to give the whole thing ~ 2 months to stablize and for life to make it into the sand before introducing the fish.

the claw

Active Member
You may want to research to see what the minimium depth in sand you will need to keep them happy. Two inches seems a little on the shallow side. The rest seems good.