Jawfish problem

will l

I know these guys need at least a 2in sb and I have that but of course he goes to the part of my tank where my damsels had moved the sand so its only 1/4in. If I shove some sand over there and cover him up will he be able to get out. Any other suggestions?


i've always heard that they need atleast 4-5 inches of sand, but i could be wrong. I just don't know how a fish that gets over 2 inches cold be comfortable in a hole that wont even be 2 inches.

will l

Well i pushed some sand over there and he dig out fine, i left a few shells and rocks for him and he mad himself a little fort. So i think he will do fine, hes eating well too:D


that's awesome. i never knew that they would do well in 2 inches of sand. ill have to try that with my aquarium.

will l

Well I could always pile the sand up in one area and put rocks to hold it. But the thing is I know the guy is too shy to go and search for a better home. Bring the sand to him? Capture him and release in the area? I dont wana stress the poor guy out.