

New Member
I have two yellowhead, they were always together, since couple of weeks ago one of them became very agressive towards any fish that would come near around it... never saw it again,so I looked and I found it inside a hole of one of the rocks, would not come out not even to eat ..What could be the problem?


Staff member
Jawfish are fairly timid creatures, even though they can be highly territorial as well. Usually best to only keep one in the tank. My guess is that the other jawfish is taking out his agression on the other one. Perhaps you should consider giving one of them away.


What are the mating/spawning habits of jawfish? Could this be related? Just wondering since they sound like they were fine toghter for awhile and suddenly changed behavior. That and the hidding in a hole sounds like it might be protecting eggs or something.
Disclaimer: I know nothing about jawfish- so I am just "wondering" out loud and seeking the opinions of those "more knowlegable".