JBJ HQI 28g Beginner Needs advice, pretty please


New Member
Hello Everyone!
I'm expecting to get my 28g HQI Nanocube by wens:) I can't wait!!!!!!!
I'm new to the hobby and I'm looking to take things REALLY slow. I have been researching and reading for close to a year now. I still feel really intimidated.
My long term goal is to have a reef tank (hopefully like Demartini's) with a few fish, and a clam or two, maybe a flame scollop (if permissible).
1) This is the list of stuff I already have:
40 pounds of live sand- (arag live) Caribe Sea
15.5 pounds- Oceanic Sea Salt mix
160 g Reef Crystals- Instant Ocean
2) I'm trying to determine which additives and testing kit(s) would be needed. Something reliable and cost efficient would be great. Any advice about which one's i need?
3) I have been reading that this system needs a chiller. Those JBJ chillers (JBJ Mini Arctica 1/15 hp chiller or 1/20 hp Nano Arctica Chiller) are just way too expensive. Can anyone recommend something else? Or is the JBJ essential? Also, it seems the mini is the right one for this AIO. Any thoughts from the pros?
4) I still have to buy the live rock. I know I need 1-1.5pounds per gallon. Is it ok to do just 1 pound? Or I shouldn't skimp?
5) I would love it if someone could provide a list of things needed for start up and perhaps a link with simple step by step instructions for initial and on-going set-up.
Happy Holidays everyone and thank you all soooooo much for any possible advice you can offer. I deeply appreciate it:)
Best Wishes:)


u stole my idea, lmao im planning on geting the same tank and would love to know hows everything goin, and how u like the tank, yea the chiller is a big problem huh let me kno if u find something cheap (i don't have that much money=(..............)


Yea this chiller is really scaring me b/c i think i would of bought it already but i really don't have the money to buy a chiller=(


The display tank at my LFS has a chiller. The light doesn't seem to get very hot though. I felt the light area on theres and it seemd not real hot, but they do have a chiller on theirs. I imagine it would be needed? Ya you can do 1lb per gallon and get some cured LR later on. With these systems there are mods you can do to make it a little better. Remove all filter sponges, bioballs, ceramic rings and replace with LR rubble. You can also make a addition of Chaeto to help the filtering of the water. They also have nano skimmers that help clean your system. I hear its a good idea to upgrade they water pump in the return and have the pump in your main tank to help flow. You have to get a light on the back to help the chaeto grow. There is a FAQ in the main page for the message boards at the bottom of the page with lots of helpers and stuff. I got the JBJ 24 g nano cube and hope to through my 10g into it.


Active Member
You don't really need to get any additives for the most part. If you do a weekly water change of 20-25% with a good salt mixture (oceanic is GREAT) it will add every thing you need.
You will need a chiller in my opinion. I run the arctica and it ROCKS. I keep my tank at 76-77 and my tank loves it.
I do agree with above statement about removing the sponges, rings, and bioballs. Replace it with live rock rubble.
Remember NO TAP WATER....Big deal on that one. Use RO water or RO-DI you can get it at almost any grocery store.
You should get a SW master test kit that has tests for the following
1. Nitrate
2. Nitrite
3. Ammonia
4. PH
5. Phosphate (not really needed but can help)
Also for your salinity you should get a refractometer not a hydrometer they are WAYYYYY more acurate. They are cheap on here and the bay of e...(understandably we cant post links to the competition)


how much did you buy yours for? did you buy the JBJ stand also?


New Member
Thank you all for the warm welcome :)
Here are the specs of my tank which I hope to get by Wens
The tank comes with the following:
•1) 150W HQI/14K
•(4) Nite-Vu LEDs with Separate Power cord
•(2) UL-Listed Accela Powerheads (266gph each/16W each)
•(2) Directional flow nozzles on each side of the aquarium
•(1) Ocean Pulse Duo—Alternating WaveMaker
•(1)Protein Skimmer (counter current) with Air Pump
•(1) Integrated center overflow
•(1) Newly redesigned filtration system with designated heater column and protein skimmer column with constant water levels
•(4) Integrated cooling fans (3000rpm`s)
•(1) Flame retardant ABS canopy housing
•(1) Integrated thermal protector for canopy (auto shut off protection)
•(1) Removal filter media basket with handle and sliding door for easy access
•(1) Filter media—sponge, activated carbon, ceramic rings
Last night I bought the following items:
1)Coralife Battery Operated Digital Thermometer
2)Aquarium Pharmaceuticals Saltwater Master Test Kit
3)Aquarium Pharmaceutical Reef Master Kit (wasn’t sure which to get so I got both, because I have another tank which I am setting up with just fish and the price seemed really good)
***but I am concentrating on my reef tank first.
Question: Could I have used the Aquarium Pharmaceuticals Saltwater Master Test Kit for testing the parameters for my reef tank?
4)I ordered the refractometer last night A portable one from Dr. Foster and Smith-On Sale.
I plan on buying the following items:
(SALIFERT Test Kits)- Still shopping online for good deals
1. Calcium
2. Alkalinity
3. Magnesium
4. ESV B-ionic Calcium 2.
5. Currently looking for the chiller. (More than likely I will purchase a used one)
6. Still need Live Rock- perhaps cured not sure yet, depends on how soon I can get the chiller and the cost.
Question: Could someone recommend a few good LFS in Manhattan?
7. I need some power heads ----
Question: Does anyone have any recommendations for something good but at a reasonable price? And how many should I get?
8. Ebojager heater
9. Strongly considering the need for a RODI filter WITH a TDS meter.
Question: Does anyone have any recommendations for something good but at a reasonable price? Something with extremely easy installation?
***I’m not too savvy with installing stuff and my husband is a total sweetheart and will try his darndest to set stuff up, but…………………….. let’s just say that I think I have a bit more technical skills than him and he needs to stick with his day job! HEHE!
10. Airstones.
11. Will research the top off system and later consider the additional protein skimmer once things get moving
Any other advice my friends?
p.s.- got an awesome deal! The tank was 499 with a free stand and the cost of shipping was like 51 bucks! Do a google search and u will surely find it;-)


Yea i am planning on doin the same as u, geting the tank for 550 with stand and making a reef, but right now im a little freaked out about the chiller b/c they r expensive and it is the reason i don't have my tank ordered yet it might even stop me getin this tank for a while, or i will just gamble and order the tank and see how the temp is when the lights r off and on