jbj nano 12g (sump to refuge question)


let me pick the brains of you guys/girls for a minute.
So i want to buy jbj nano 12 gallon and convert the sump area into a fuge.
First Chamber: trim the top so that skim can come in from display area and flow onto some Cheato or other plant (any suggestions on a better plant to use?)
Second Chamber: water coming in from bottom of first chamber flowing upwards past small peices of live rock. digital temp will be set up here as well.
Third chamber: This is where i will have the heater and and upgraded pump.
I hope I explained this well...
I will have about a 1 1/2 inch Live sand bed and about 20 lbs of live rock in display area. Want to have 2 fish in the tank. also doing major light upgrades, going to have a 50/50 lighting the sump/fuge
So will I be ok with not using any of the sponges and such that comes with the tank? any suggestions are welcome, if you think a better setup could be done please share your thoughts!
Thank you!


I'm no expert...just sharing my setup for my 12g DX
1st Chamber: Sponge and Carbon
2nd Chamber: Chaeto
3rd Chamber, Heater/Pump


Active Member
I think I would use at least one sponge. It will just help overall to catch free floating junk.
Mine is set up as so:
First chamber 2 sponges, chaeto will be on top in here when my tank is cycled.
Also in front of the inlet I use a small piece of poly filter. It is really good at removing almost anything bad. From chemicals, ammonia, trites/trates, free floating junk ect. .....
Second chamber is all live rock.
Third has my heater and original pump. Im gonna upgrade it because I think it is already starting to die but I have a ton of circulation in the display so it can wait.
My temp probe is in the corner of the display.


can we see a pick of that cause all i did was remove the magscraper and bio balls and rings and left everything else be more specific


hiya Clarkii,
Thanks for the response, I had a fealing I would need the sponge. I would really like to go completly natural so when the tank is set up am going to try without the sponge to se how things go. would you mind doing me a favor and taking a picture of your sump/refuge, preferably a shot of the peice of poly filter infront of the inlet?
Thank you!


Active Member
Ok here are the pics- First shows the poly filter in front of the inlet. I just cut it so it fits sort of snug. Catches tons of little things.
Second shows the rock/heater area.
No macros yet. I wanted to wait a few more weeks and I dont have sufficient light back there yet...........


I have the same set up and was also wondering about getting some light back there. I had asked about possibly using one of those tiny clip on lights from a beta tank on the lower wall, but was told that it wouldn't grow algae. If you figure out how to do it, please post how...I would love to know!


My friend also gave me a great tip to increase the flow in your tank...
Put the powerhead base on the 1st compartment just below the fuge overflow on the left. This increases the flow in that compartment where the water is coming in and also counter flows the flow that's coming out of the powerhead on the opposite compartment.


Active Member
That is a good idea! I notice that the flow is a bit weak. What did he do with the tubing?
Can you get a pic of his setup?