JBJ Nanocube 24g 3-Part back compartments, this is what I have so far... Help...


Ok so I took the time to do a nice photoshop of what my back 3 compartments look like on the JBJ Nanocube 24g .....
I have everything how I want it I believe....

First Compartment where the water intake grate comes in from the main display area.... Sponge and under the sponge a bag of Chemi-Pure
Second compartment is where the question is...... The third compartment will just house the Stock Pump and maybe the heater...
Back to the Second Compartment... I bought what you guys recommended, the MARINA Clip on submersible LED Light for the back middle compartment, which I will get some type of Plastic container with holes in it (something a lil nicer than the slurpee cup ;p ) lol.... and fill it with Chaeto. My question is what to put under the cup full of chaeto?
And should I put the heater in with the PUMP in the 3rd, or in with the chaeto/mini refugion in the 2nd?


Active Member
I like your drawing. And props for using the photoshop leaf brush to represent your chaeto! haha

Your setup is exactly how I have my AP, down to the exact light. Though, instead of the sponge i am using filter floss. I too dont have anything under my chaeto at the moment. I probably wont have anything under it for now. I had thought about LR rubble but I think it would be more of a pain having it there. I left it open too so there is enough water and flow that can move around. Some people also add a bag of purigen so maybe thats an option.
To contain my chaeto I used eggcrate to form a box and I covered the eggcrate holes with fiberglass screen. The chamber I put the chaeto in wouldnt fit a slurpee cup, haha.
As for your heater, I have mine in chamber 3 next to the powerhead. Working great so far and temp is always steady.


Active Member
oh and out of curiosity, where are the holes that allow water flow between chambers?


On the first to second chamber its on the bottom, on the second to third chamber its in the middle....
I'm thinkin of just doing a full chaeto chamber, just a bunch of chaeto and no container for it, just let it grow, what do you think?
Also after some searching I'm gonna do the back mod these guys do cut out the vinyl and light from the back, that way chaeto can grow everywhere in there, what do u think?

Filled with chaeto:


Active Member
I have seen that mod and it seems popular. It's entirely up to you. I wonder if anyone on here has done it? If you decide to do it, let us know how it goes!


Yea i'm gonna do it, and take pics along the way...
What i'm trying to figure out is what Light to use, I'm looking for something that produces low heat, like the Nanocustoms 5.1 Refugium lighting kit, however its $80+ dollars, looking for something similar and cheap, any ideas anyone ?
So what do you think of going just chaeto in there? what else would be beneficial to have in the mini-refugium?


Active Member
some people would say like chemi pure and such but i think with the whole chamber full of the stuff then you will be very good!!


Active Member
any light will work. it doesnt have to be a specific one. i think miami_reefer can you help you out. also i love the drawing! looks good. and what ever you do dont put lr rubble in the back at all! but stuff looking great


Originally Posted by nissan577
any light will work. it doesnt have to be a specific one. i think miami_reefer can you help you out. also i love the drawing! looks good. and what ever you do dont put lr rubble in the back at all! but stuff looking great
lol thanks took the time to photoshop it nice :) Going to exotic tomorrow and gonna see if they have anything new/nice, once I do that i'll post some new tank shots its lookin better now just haven't taken the pics....
Can't wait for the mini-refugium build, sent Miami a PM about the eggcrate and light ;P