JBJ Nanocube.....coral suggestions


This tank has been set up and running for awhile now and I'm ready to add some easy corals. I'll give you the run down and see if anyone would like to suggest a couple of low light corals other than mushrooms. Thanks.
1 Seahorse
1 Scooter Blenny (it and the seahorse tear up the frozen mysis)
1 Sea Hare
1 Sally Lightfoot Crab
assorted hermits and snails
16 lbs LR
4oz caulerpa
assorted cyanobacteria (free to a good home)


I like your rock set up. Personally I would put in a sun coral they are so bad azz. If you dont know what they look like try to find a pic of one that is opened cause when they are closed their not anything special.


In my nanocube I keep the following:
Silvertip Xenia
Branching Hammer Coral
Blunt Hand Leather
Mushrooms- (green, red, purple)
Green Star Polyps (3 variations)
Brown Button Polyps
Pagoda Cup Coral
Zooanthids (orange, cream, green)
All of these have been in at least 6 months, except the zoo's which I just got about 3 wks. ago. Everyone's doing good. Best of luck.
Also, how long have you had that seahorse?


The nanocube comes stock with 24 watts of 50/50 power compact for 12 gallons. There's a couple gallons in the filter, so it's really only about 10 gallons lit. I use the original bulb, but I'll probably replace it within a couple months and either get a 32 watt bulb or another 24.


It's hard to find them. I saw one at a LFS made by custom sea life. MarineSnow confirmed that this was the bulb he's using as well. You may try online, but Custom Sea Life went out of business, so I don't know where else to get them besides leftover stock at a LFS. Good Luck.


New Member
zoo's, open brain, candy cane, alveopora (flower pot) all do great in my cube w/ stock lighting. I have the candy cane higher but utherwise, all low light corals.


You can still get the CSL 32 watt bulbs online. They are out of business, but there are still bulbs in circulation.
Oh, you need something tall in there. A small colt, or long xenia, maybe a Kenya tree.


I don't think I would keep a seahorse in a mixed tank, particular a nano cube. They are very delicate and need perfect water. They do best with plants too. I have a freind in CA who keeps them and even he loses one every now and then when something changes to fast.


Seems like there are a few people on those boards keeping seahorses in Nanos. I'll just keep doing what I'm doing but thanks for the heads up.