JBJ vs. Aqua Pod vs. Cube Master.


Im looking at the 12 gallon size.
JBJ : $239.00 This is the deluxe model, with 48 watts, and 109 GPH flow. (free shipping)
Aqua Pod : $197.99 57 watts, and 160 GPH flow. (free shipping)
Cube Masters : $99.99 24 watts (T5) 118 GPH flow (+50$ shipping, as the company that sells these is in the USA)
Im at a loss about which one to choose. The cube master is a LOT cheaper, but does it lack in quality? Im just going to be keeping basic corals, so the difference in lighting shouldn't be a problem. The cube master doesnt have a fan which might be a problem down the line if the lighting turn out to heat the water too much. Which one would you suggest?


Active Member
I just saw the 24 gal aqua pod on sale for less then the 12 gal iprice you have above in one of my catologs.
12 gal for 129.99 and 24 for 169.99


Active Member
I recently set up a 24 aquapod and I love it. Like the other poster said, you can get the 12 for 129 and the 24 for 169 with 8.99 shipping.


Im north of the border, in Canada so the shipping tends to add a lot of cost when buying from the United States. If somebody might be able to PM me the link for that company that would be much appreciated.
ps. I figured the cube master was going to be not very highly praised, as you get what you pay for.


Originally Posted by G_Dobbs
Im north of the border, in Canada so the shipping tends to add a lot of cost when buying from the United States. If somebody might be able to PM me the link for that company that would be much appreciated.
ps. I figured the cube master was going to be not very highly praised, as you get what you pay for.
Well, the specs kinda speak for themselves. If you are losing over 50% of the lighting and 30-40% of the flow, usually you are going to have an inferior product.
As far as Im concerned, the lighting/circulation/filtration are the 3 most important parts of a setup and should NOT be skimped on EVER, especially if we are talking about 100 bucks.


Spend the extra money and get the RED SEA NANO. The best options for mods, the best stock light, filter, power center, SKIMMER. Check it out.
I have a JBJ, but if the RED SEA had been out when i bought my nano, I would have spent the extra few clams.


Originally Posted by REEFER545
Spend the extra money and get the RED SEA NANO. The best options for mods, the best stock light, filter, power center, SKIMMER. Check it out.
I have a JBJ, but if the RED SEA had been out when i bought my nano, I would have spent the extra few clams.
its also very good at emptying your wallet