jebo lights



Will These Jebo lights (24" 110) be efficeient enought to support Anemone, and two clownfish??????I have a 45g tank


Im embaressed to say I own one of these lights (that shrinking sound is my credibility). Yea yea.. it was cheap and since I was building my first marine tank (a fish only tank no less), I figured it would be alright. I purchased the 48" 4x55 watt for under a hundred dollars, and to be honest its a decent unit. Sure the bulbs arent really actnic blue (just standard blue), and the unit doesnt have endcaps... still not a bad unit. Its done well for the past few months, although I wouldnt use it for corals or anemones (try at least 5 watts per gallon), but it does its job on the fowlr. For the new 72 bowfront I just purchased, Im going the reef route and investing in quality lighting (a decent vho is costing me $500). I would suggest you do the same if you really want a reef setup. I would think an anenome will probably shrink on you with 100watts.


i also got the jebo 110 watt.. but i also have another 110 watt unit.. i got the jebo as a supplement.. it's a good system... cheap....

blue steel

I understand that they really do not come with real actinic bulbs, and that I should replace them with real ones. does anyone know where and what type?


ooh, that's a tough one.. when we say cheap, they cheap.. the compact flourscent bulb sockets (if that) are just some metal pieces tapped to the wires... therefore, it may be hard to put a "regular" compact in there.. the bulbs that the unit comes with are smaller than the "regular" CF bulbs... therefore, i've purchased more bulbs from that dude on ----... cheap anyways.. i've never tried putting in a reg bulb in the jebo.. maybe someone else has..


To answer your question, I would say no, these lights will not support an anemone. I have 220watts on my 40g and that is not enough light. From all the research I have done you pretty much need MH. I have one of these fixtures and I also think the bulbs are junk. But the price is right, I may end up taking it apart and using the hardware in a canopy. You cant buy a ballast, lights and wiring for cheaper anywhere, If you can e-mail me


lighting is always tough to answer on here because everyone has a diferent opinion. alot of people say use 8 watts to every gal of water you have. they also say use mh lights for corals and anem's. but there is always someone out there that uses something thats not suposed to work and has great results. so always remember that. i have a book called "ultimate marine aquariums" by michael pletta and there is a guy that has a 715gal reef and all he has is vho lighting and regular output lights. but, he has 14- 160 watt vho actinic, 6- 160 vho watt daylight, 2- 40 watt, and 2- 40 watt ultralume lights. this guy has over 250 fish, 90 stony corals, and 101 soft corals in it. this guy has an purple tip that is over 12 years old ans a lether that is ten years old and wieghs in at a wopping 120 lbs. so dont take the mh light thing as a nesesity.


Active Member
grindzgreg, I have lots of coral and a green carpet anenome in my tank but this is over a 20g high.