Jelly Fish


Is it possible to keep them in captivity?If it is,how hard are they to keep and what are any special requirments?Just wondering because they are very cool to watch and I don't ever remember seeing anything about them in any of the books I've read.Any info is appriciated!!


Ok.I have jsut read all the other posts about them.I think these are very cool and I want to try to keep them.I recently inherated 2 tanks.A 40 g and a 75 g.Are these too small?I am going to go to the library in the morning and do some research on them.But still,any info is welcome.


I think in either China or Japan they do/did it. It takes some special equipment. If I was you I would get the cone jellies since they don't sting and at night if you stir them up they light up blue, say it fishing on the bay and it was cool.


I have kept them for 6 yrs,,,, a real challange,,, pain in the behind,,, I only did it because they say you could not do it .... but I did..... otherwise I ask WHY THE HECK would you want to.... you really can not keep nothing in with them,,, heck they even sting themselves.....


Originally posted by krazzydart:
<STRONG>I have kept them for 6 yrs,,,, a real challange,,, pain in the behind,,, I only did it because they say you could not do it .... but I did..... otherwise I ask WHY THE HECK would you want to.... you really can not keep nothing in with them,,, heck they even sting themselves.....</STRONG>
Thats why I set up a 5 gallon aquarium since "it couldn't be done" and it also is good. As I mentioned before the cone jelly would be best since it doesn't sting and make blue lights but I agree they must have a special want or reason to keep them.


New Member
I had a jellyfish, the upside down kind, It was really cool to watch but it kept getting sucked up into my filter system. I loved having it, but it was more of a pain than anything else
You would have to set up a specialized tank for them that has lots of floating room not to much current and nothing they can get caught on or sucked into. I read an article that it was either the Japanese or the Chinese were keeping them as pets.
IMO they are the most boring creatures on earth and if people make jokes about you now because of you aquarium just think of the future.


A local commercial enterprise here had a huge tank of jellies... guessing 500 gallons? I never understood how they kept 'em in captivity so well.
It was pretty neat for about 6 months but last time I went there, guess what? Jellies are gone and replaced with a very nice FOWLR system.
IMHO they seem more work than they are worth.