Active Member
Anyone else a fan of Beef Jerky? I avoided it like the plaque when I was a kid. My dad and my brother always ate it. Well about a year ago on a roadtrip to UCF's Championship football game, I finally tried some again, and loved it. Been eating more and more recently. About a week ago, I saw on Modern Marvels, they had a food special and one of the stops was the Oberto's Jerky factory. It was awesome. My biggest reason I never tried jerky when I was little is that I always thought it was a low grade of beef that went it, scraps or something. Well on the tour, I was dead wrong, they use really highs grades of roast that are really lean.
I've noticed at work now, at the vending machines, they have a little .9oz of Oberto's Beef Jerky for $1. If I have to pick a bag of chips or jerky now, I always go with the jerky now. Love the stuff...
I've noticed at work now, at the vending machines, they have a little .9oz of Oberto's Beef Jerky for $1. If I have to pick a bag of chips or jerky now, I always go with the jerky now. Love the stuff...