jewel damsel


hi folks! i saw a jewel damsel snorkeling on vacation once and have always wanted one! i am wondering if any of you folks have any exsperience with the jewel? from what i have read about them is that they can be rpetty nasty little guys. so just wondering who has one and what kind of fish you were able to keep with them? right now i do not have alot of fish just have a firefin golby my stocking list that i am thinking about would be to get another firefish golby lawnmower blenny. a yellow watchmen golbie , the jewel damsel and acouple green cromis. would that be to much for a 55 gal tank? any imput would be great!! thanks in advance!


that would not be to many fish i have not had any experience but they are really cool looking fish and i was conidering getting one for my tank.


THat is deff. not too many fish for a 55. I have a 75 and had about ten fish in it. It all depends on what type of skimmer/filter you have on your tank. As long as your skimmer can keep up with your bio-load you should be fine. As far as the Jewel I'm not sure.


thanks guys for your imput! i decided to go ahead and get the jewel damsel along with the green cromis. and after being in the tank for a day they all are happy eating well. the jewel is beautifull and so far hasnt shown any agressive nature to any of the other fish.