Jim's New BC-29


New Member
Hello- I know it's about time IO posted some pix. I think it's been up & running about two months? Gradual process, but it seems to be working (all fingers are crossed). Just wanted to share a bit and will post more later. I'm interested to hear comments on my mods. Thank you!



Active Member
Your tank looks awesome! I love all of the different corals. The tank is also very crisp, which I like.
The clownfish will host the mushroom since mushrooms are so closely related to anemones. I have even seen those red mushrooms labeled as red mushroom anemones.


New Member
Originally Posted by lion_crazz
Your tank looks awesome! I love all of the different corals. The tank is also very crisp, which I like.
The clownfish will host the mushroom since mushrooms are so closely related to anemones. I have even seen those red mushrooms labeled as red mushroom anemones.
Thank you very much!