JJJoey 55Gallon *New*


Active Member
:joy: .This is my 55 gallon Aggressive Reef. :joy:
55 gallon

55 pounds of LR
25 pounds pink LS
25 Pounds ref LS

The lighting:

48" Extreme Orbit 2x130watt SunPaq with Lunar Lights & Fan

Emperor Biowheel
Fluval 404
Uv sterilizer
RO.DI unit
My old 55 was particle board its the last picture it was uggglyy :) and this one is black stained oak

tell me what you think and what i should add.



Active Member
I'm ordering an Antenata Lionfish to go in there and a SFE
i got a LMB and hes kinda big now.
i just dont kno if i can have anything else


Active Member
looks great...

I would put a background on it first to hide cords and filters and such :thinking:


Active Member
it deffenetly needs some color...look into some mushrroms, and a colt coral, frogspawn,,,but it looks great,,rock work looks awesome,have a great day


Active Member
what kind of corals can i get with my lighting
and what kind of fish should i add
and thanks for the replies


Active Member
Xenia, shrooms, frogspawn, leathers, and some other neat ones. Id get a skimmer tho. Great looking tank by the way.


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I've heard lots of good thing about the remora's! I've got a excalibur HOB its alright.


Active Member
ive heard of remora. my mom has a huge one of her tank.
how big of one will i need?


Active Member
There rated by the tank size. I think the first one is rated for up to a 75gal.


55 gal its too small for an antenata they need more space a list 75 gal for 1. They get 24" in 2 years