joe5_15, help with lighting


joe5_15, you said in other post that you have a condi anemone in a 10 gal tank? What is your lighting? Just a regular fluorescent light? How many watts is it? Thanks.


yeah its just a regular flourescent u can actually get good lights at wal-mart most ppl dont recommend it but my condy didnt like the expensive lights but when i put cheap flos in he loved just try to keep yours at about middle or top part of your tank and he should do fine dont go out and spend to much


you mean that a regular 15 watts fluorescent bulb will work for condi anemones? :rolleyes: At last there is hope. Thanks, because I have been asking people about this and they said no, I have no chance on keeping one.
btw, how long have you have the anemones for?


From my reading on here and other places, I believe that anemone prefer the kind of light that they were raised with. This applies to tank raised specimens, but if the anemone was at your supplier for a while, it would have become accustomed to that light. Prior to purchacing an anemone, I would research where your supplier gets them from, what kind of lights they use and read everything out there. I do not, as of yet, have one but it is my goal and that is the aproach I am taking.
My $.02,


Active Member
ask, dad, he made it 13 months(or more), or wrigley11 on reef disc.(on htis bb), he's gone 2 yrs;both are very rare in a reef, but no where near what they should live, success with anemones really should be measured in years, not months
[ December 31, 2001: Message edited by: fshhub ]
[ December 31, 2001: Message edited by: fshhub ]