joes juice question


so i applied the joes juice and the anems appeared to be dying im just curious am i suposed to leave the dead anem in the tank... will it harm anything?


Active Member
You can leave them in. If it's possible to suck them out to make sure every last piece of them is out of the tank, then that's a good idea too. If it isn't killed completely it will come back.


Joes juice never works for me unless I suck out the remains. I apply it, let it sit for a few minutes then I use a turkey baster to suck the remains out. Watch it and if you missed any part of it, just hit it again.


Active Member
I have never cleaned up the mess. I suppose it depends on the size of your tank, but I typically just let everything disapate. If you have a very small tank though, you might want to have a syphon hose ready to remove everything.