Joe's juice


Active Member
I had a couple atapia (sorry cant spell) a few weeks ago and now they exploded... I have heard that Joe's juice is the best way to get rid of them but I dont see it on this site... does this site sell anything that does the same thing??? thank you...


Active Member
haven't done anything yet but they are getting out of control... i would love to get a peppermint shrimp but i heard they dont work all the time and i have a lion....

aztec reef

Active Member
The peppermints are more of a Hit or Miss thing, but most likely to Hit.(if not then they're still good to have). I don't know about the lion though. Is he well fed? how big is your tank?


Active Member
Originally Posted by taznut
haven't done anything yet but they are getting out of control... i would love to get a peppermint shrimp but i heard they dont work all the time and i have a lion....
The Lion will dominate peppermints. At least I know my fuzzy dwarf will. I use Joes Juice nd Loveit. Alot of people just use boiling water and a syringe.


Active Member
when u say syringe do you mean like a needle and syringe or a turkey baster... i have tried that several times (last time about 30min ago) with a turkey baster and it hasnt seemed to work...


Active Member
Originally Posted by helpme74
get Joe's juice it killed all mine in one day without hurting my fish
this stuff works great
i have a 20gal tank with lots of these things in it... if i kill them all at one time will it cause an amm spike?


Active Member
Joe's made our neighbors explode. Made more problems. He got peppermints when more sprouted and they disapeared. We borrowed his peppermints and the 3 aptasia we had were gone within days. :happyfish


Been up and running for three weeks now. Been looking for Aiptasia anemones, but I really don't know what they look like in the juvenile stage. Any pic's?


I had a tulip anemone that came in on a rock with some shrooms, 1 shot of Joes and it curled up on itself and died.


Ok so the peppermint shrimp will eat the common glass nuisance anemones, a.k.a the aiptasia.
But will they harm anything else, i.e soft corals, sponges, or other desirable anemones?


Active Member
there is like one on almost every rock but there are like 50 on another... i would take that rock out but i got some xenia awhile back and it is doing really well and has attached its self to that rock...


Active Member
Originally Posted by newtankman
Ok so the peppermint shrimp will eat the common glass nuisance anemones, a.k.a the aiptasia.
But will they harm anything else, i.e soft corals, sponges, or other desirable anemones?

they tend to eat yellow colonial polyps (they are related to aip.) but for the most part they are good shrimp to have.


Active Member
Originally Posted by taznut
there is like one on almost every rock but there are like 50 on another... i would take that rock out but i got some xenia awhile back and it is doing really well and has attached its self to that rock...
I use pure lemon juice, on aip when I get them on a frag or chunk of rock.
I take a large feeding syring and fill it with the lemon juice. I then squirt about half of it onto the aip slowly, bathing it causing it to close up then I pull out on the plunger sucking the aip into the syring and break it free of the rock by scraping it sideways. I then remove it from the tank and squirt more where it was to ensure the bit left behind wont regrow. by bathing it really slowly before hand it kills anything that may break free when you remove it. I have accidently introduce aip a couple times and have yet to be infested. I prefer it over the Kalk method because that can swing your parameters fast if you have to kill a lot of them. also by removing the dead/dying aip there is no risk of getting an ammonia spike. because it doesnt rot in the tank.


Active Member
ok... will the lemon juice effect anything??? this sounds the best so far... unless i can find an LFS with joe's juice... where can i get a needle and syrine???


Active Member
Originally Posted by taznut
ok... will the lemon juice effect anything??? this sounds the best so far... unless i can find an LFS with joe's juice... where can i get a needle and syrine???

You dont want a needle syringe, you want a feeding syringe like used for birds, you can buy them at pet stores. The one I use is 35cc and has a rather large tip making it easy to suck the aip into it. I have never noticed an impact on anything, once the lemon juice wanders far as it mixes the buffering capacity of your water neutralizes it, then its just a small amountof organic waste that naturally breaks down. The biological input of 15cc's is about like one fish poop maybe less because its mostly H2O and citric acid that gets neutralized.