JUMP!!!! On the Mystery wrasse? ANYONE that may have one


Active Member
So I asked a question yesterday that got no responses. Whether I should get a six-line or a secretive wrasse (disappearing wrasse). No one answered and it seems that both of them have their drawbacks. So I was wondering about a Mystery (Mysteri) Wrasse? I have the fortunate oppurtunity to buy one for 58 bucks. But I do not know if the mystery wrasse eats bristleworms too? Anyone who may have one, it would be a great help.


New Member
A mystery wrasse is not known for eating bristleworms. I have one and i have never seen him go at any of them. Most of the bristleworm activity is at night and when the lights go out he goes into his cave and goes to sleep so i can't say for certainty. For that price you can't go wrong but if you are looking for a bristleworm eater i would go after a neon dottyback. Everyone i have had was a tremendous worm eater. Just don't add the two together. Best of luck to you!


I have a six line and he is really cool. I had an infestation of worms until I got him. I have looked and looked but can't find anymore worms. plus he has a pretty neet personality. I would go for the six line if you could.