

Active Member
The jury is still out whether they are a hardy fish. I noticed on one online site that they did not qualify for their guarantee as they tend to be sensative to shipping. I got mine from a very good LFS who had him for a while. Very healthy and very active. My advice would be to purchase one under those circumstances.
As for tricks......they are very active and always in search of food. The pick up and turn over rocks looking for crabs and such. I put about a dozen small rocks in the tank to give him something to do and he stays busy with them at times. Picks them up and drops them around the tank. I haven't tried hand feeding but I'm sure he would. He's a hungry eater and not at all shy.
Great fish!


Active Member
$50.00. I considered it a fair price. I know they're cheaper on line, but............
Are you going to get one?