Jumping back in again (New SW Tank)


New Member
Hello Folks,
I've just found this site and appreciate all the information I've picked up so far. I used to be really into this stuff but mostly freshwater. I have a 360 Gal. Fresh Water tank at home that was set up almost 10 years ago, so I haven't been keeping up.
I want to get setup a new Salt Water Reef Aquarium around 140 Gallons (preferred dimention 60"x15"x30". ) and wanted to get all your opinions on what equipment to get. Price isn't really an issue but I do want bang for the buck.
1. Filter Setup - There are tanks with "Simplicity" filters that have a build in sump in the back. I'm considering it instead of going with a seperate wet/dry filter that would go underneath the cabinet. What are the pro's and cons and which would you recommend.
2. Powerheads - Which brand do you recommend?
3. Hood/Lighting - Since I'm setting up a reef tank I'm going to go with MH. Any brand/model preference? Anything I should watch out for since this is supposely an important (and expensive) part of my investment?
4. Tank - Any brand preference here?
5. Protein Skimmer - Make/model recommendation?
6. Heater - Make/model recommendation?
7. Where would I find good deals on these equipment? Websites?
8. Any other comments or suggestions greatly appreciated.
Thank you very much,


Active Member
Welcome back to the hobby!
I'll take a stab at a few of your questions based on my experiences.
1. I would consider using LR & LS to compose your filtration. I have discovered that it is the most effective form of filtration if used properly (1-2 lbs. LR/gal; 4"-6" DSB) and in conjunction with RO/DI water. I would also consider using a sump beneath your tank to hide equipment such as your heater and protein skimmer. A sump also expands the volume of water in your tank which gives you more room for error in the case of a broken heater, dead critter, etc. Take a look in the Equipment & DIY forum, and you'll learn TONS about sumps.
4. I notice you're in California, so you're probably looking at acrylic tanks. I have never used acrylic before, but am considering it for my next tank. I especially like the products that Tenecor puts out, and they are very helpful.
6. I would definately recommend an electronic heater (such as Ebo-Jager or Won Bros. Pro Heat Titanium). I personally use the Pro Heat II which has a digital temp. readout on the controller. I haven't had any problems with calibration, but I use a seperate thermometer to make sure that the heater doesn't harm my tank. You could also use two lower wattage heaters to avoid disasters.
Other advice - Take in as much information as possible. Read books (Conscientious Marine Aquarist is a good, comprehensive book) Ask questions (this board is a great place to exchange thoughts on the hobby, but some LFSes offer great advice, reef clubs are good, and fellow hobbiests that you meet are a great place to get info). Patience is perhaps the biggest virtue a reefer can possess. Take things slowly, and enjoy the experience as you learn about this fascinating hobby.


go to www.garf.org they have some great info about setting up tanks. I always seem to find new info every time I visit. It may seem somewhat difficult to navigate at first but, it is worth your time to do so. Look for the bullet proof reef recipe, you will find some great info.


New Member
What is RO/DI Water? I looked up the acronym but still don't understand what is Reverse Osmosis, followed by deionisation.

a&m aggie 04'

Active Member
RO/DI water, filtered to remove all the chemicals you dont want in your tank. Phosphates, Silicates, Chlorine, etc.
Id invest in a RO/DI filter so you always have water on hand.


New Member
Okay. I think I'm set up and know what I need to get for the most part, but is still unsure about lighting. I understand that this can get expensive, especially since my tank is 60" long.
What make model should I get and how much should I plan to spend?
Also, a lot of the lighting I've looked at seem to come as a kit. Does this mean that I will have to manually install into to canopy?