Get them an anenome, wait 1 or 2 months, and hope they host...
That will help them resume normal activity which is cuddling with the anenome all day long only leaving to eat...
If they don't have their natural companion, they will act unatural, like swimming/sleeping at the surface and jumping...Same thing happened to me, then I bought the anenome and was lucky I guess to have them host...
If you do attempt an anenome hosting situation, try to place the anenome close to where the clowns hang out...If current and lighting is good there, the anenome will be happy, won't move and maybe the clowns will scrape against him feel good and then dive in.... :happyfish
No anenome, try to find something else they will host, like a toastool or something like that...You need to find them a happy place to lay around in the rock work...
Do they interact with the rock work? Probably not, but if they do, you may have a shot with something else...SOme people put pieces of tile, or a vase like cup in for them to spawn in...