jumping Goby


New Member
I bought a yellow watchman goby on Saturday, it was fine all weekend, this morning it apparently jumped over into the filter on my 14g Biocube and is, from what I can understand from my children, still swimming around in there. Provided that it is still alive, when I move it back to the tank, is there anything to protect them from jumping in there again?? Anything I could make, or use, from home to add a "wall" onto my Cube??


Got this idea from another post around here somewhere, I went to Wal mart and bought a sheet of needle point screen I think about 40 cents and zip tied it to my lighting wires. I have a Yellow Watchman Goby. Hope this helps



New Member
Pinkerton (our yellow Goby) survived not one, but two trips into the filter and amazingly survived both, seemingly unfazed by his trips. We found some 1inch white PVC tubing, slit it down the middle and slid it over the back wall, between the tank and the filter chambers. It's just big enough to fit snugly under the lights, thus keeping the fish safely on the right side.
As a side note, I found out while doing this, that clownfish are EXTREMELY territorial and have quite the little attitude when they want too!! After the first few times this insane clownfish tried jumping at us, it then became more aggitated with us messing with the tank, and started flapping water everywhere it could. My face was covered in salt water, shirt was wet, stand was wet, floor and walls wet - all from the fish and it's tantrums!! As I've seen on another post on this message board before - clownfish aren't funny- and this one wanted to rumble!!