Jumping or starving fish?



I think I am ready to get a third fish.
I have read and read and read about both the firefish and the lawnmower blenny and now I am scared to get either.
I have heard that the firefish will leap from the tank and plummet to its death while the lawnmower blenny will only eat choice algae until he slowly starves.
My tank has a decent cover and the only other fish in the tank right now are two clowns. I have thirty pounds of LV with lots of hiding places. I might get a cardinal fish and/or a Gramma...I will need to see how things go.
As for the blenny, I have been feeding the fish nori, frozen brine shrimp and spirulina flakes. I also have a decent amount of algae on the CC, glass and LR. Also I have a sneaky emerald crab (but I think this is my own paranoia), will he bother the blenny?
And if you have made it through this lengthy message, do you have opinions, suggestions?


If you look back through my posts, you'll see that I absolutely LOVE my two firefish. They are exceptionally hardy and have never tried to jump from my tank that I have seen. As a matter of fact, they hardly ever venture further than halfway to the top. They tend to hide out under their rock or hover around in the water just outside the rock. I was worried about them jumping out when I first got them, but haven't had a problem at all. I do think that if you plan to have one, go ahead and get two if you have the room. They should be okay if you get them at the same time from the same tank. Mine never fight with each other or bother any other fish/corals/etc. They eat pretty much anything I feed to them such as flakes, marine cuisine and plankton. As for the blenny, I don't have one, so I'll let you get the info on that little guy elsewhere. Good luck!