junk on top of water


ok this stuff is bugging me. i have this flim on the top of my water. it is like a precipitate or something. if i put my hand in the water it spreads away. i have been taking the top layer of water off every few days but this is bugging me. i have 2 power sweep power heads (125 gph each)and a prizm skimmer. anyone ever have this stuff on the top of their water? i was thinking of getting the upgrade kit for my skimmer does anyone think this will help of is there another way to fix it.


It's the reason you have your protein skimmer. I have aimed my powerheads (2 of them) AND my canisters out-flow to the surface...no avail. I got a good protien skimmer now, that concentrates on skimming the actual surface. But another way to get SOME of it out is to use a syphon hose with a gravel cleaner attachment. Then after you achieve a syphon, flip the tube part upside-down so that it is as close to the surface as possible (you will want that tornado affect that you see with the bath-tub drain). But be careful to lower the tubu with the water line or else all of your water will drain and you will have to start all over. The first time I did this was when I knew that I needed a better protien skimmer!! I actually thought it was dust on the surface, but when I did what I just explained, you could DEFINATELY tell it was protein slime!!


I used to just point a couple of powerheads at the surface to break it up, also. As well, I also had the output of my canister agitate the surface. I guess my main concern was that the film would prevent good co2 and o2 exchange at the surface. A little while ago, I got this attachment for my canister that attaches to the intake. It actually has a surface skimmer and a below surface intake on the same piece. It works really well. It has this adjustment on it that allows you to control how much surface skimming and how much below surface intake you want to have. As one increases, the other decreases and vice versa. I had read that over 70% of dissolved organic matter is in the top 1" of your tank, so I figured I'd give it a try. I can usually go from water change to water change now with no film whatsoever ( still with the powerheads' help.) But when I do a water change, I do what tiz said above with the vortex thing with my gravel vac attachment. Sorry tiz for sounding somewhat repetitive.:D


I also have a Red Sea Prizm Protein Skimmer. Mine is the "Deluxe" version of the skimmer, thouugh. This includes a surface skimmer attachment and a media basket that sits in the outflow chamber.
I'm not sure if you can buy the surface skimmer and media basket seperately, though.
I think I'm allowed to add links from SWF...
Thats the "Deluxe" version if you wanted to see what it looked like. If the URL is edited out, then just google for "prizm deluxe" SWF's link should be like the 2nd or 3rd listing.
In anycase... I had that film also. Aiming powerheads to break up the surface works. Airstones seem to work, as well.


sorry i havent answered this tread sooner i have been away on correctional officer trainning. i figured it was some sort of protien or scum that i need to get rid of. the power head thing i alredy have been doing. the only thing is i took the airline off so there are no bubbles and they are about 3 inches below the surface. you all think i should bring the ph all the way to the top ?they are on the smallish size only 125 each but they are the powersweep kind. i am going to get the prizm pro upgrade kit. its only 20 dollars at my lfs. the only thing i am wondering what should i use in the basket?


I had the same problem until I got my HOB overflow. The overflow skims the scum off the surface of the water.


well i think i am going to try the prizm pro upgrade kit for now then go to something more expensive later. thanks for everyone imput.


I just put some carbon in the basket thing. I might stop doing that now that I have a canister filter that can handle more carbon. One thing to note, if you get media for the basket, you might want to get one of them little mesh bags to put it in. Last time I bought carbon, it was too small and fell through the slits of the basket.
My only problem with the surface skimmer cup thing is that there is a screen thing that goes on the end of the intake tube. The screen is long and pointy. This prevents the cup from going all the way up to the surface area. It actually sits about 1.5" below the surface. Thats ok with me, though. I might get something to put under the Prizm to raise it some so it will fix it.
I would still recommend aiming a PH to break up the surface and put back the airline.
Good luck.