jus an update of vics 55 gallon


Active Member

these pics were taking a week b4, i took new ones jus now since i jus cleaned my tank and did a waterchange but i have to upload them
feel free to comment


Active Member
Is your rock Buna Branch/Tonga? Thats what i have, but i have trouble with inverts not liking to stick on them very long...


Active Member
yes they are a typeo damsels
wats up triga and sean long time no talk lol
yea if u rember the flag fin was a big guy butu no later on u gotta give him up
so i went wit my idea, jus getting small fish
so now my tank has not to small and not to big fish, hte biggest fish is the clown wich is mayb 4 inches
the copper banded was starting to eat everything so he went out and my heinchius somehow jumped outta the tank over night
lol i no it sounds unbelieveable to lol but yea i saw im on the floor im still tryin to figure how
so yea now i gotta wait like a month and c wat happens