just a couple of new pics


couple of new pics of my 90 gal. after a rock move
its just a little cloudy from moveing rocks around though



i have about 130 or so pounds, im picking up about 90 more pounds this weekend, and im gonna start working on filling up on corals soon too


i have about 140 pounds and im getting about 90 more this weekend, and then im gonna start adding more corals soon too


Active Member
oooooh! That's gotta look HELLA cool in person!! (oh man...please get me OUT of Jersey...)
Keep posting pix as u get new stuff!! :joy:


Active Member
It looks great!! I would wonder about 90 more lbs of rock , that might make it a bit crowded in there. If youve got 140 lbs now i would def. say it was plenty, as far as live rock for filtration goes, but i also know you can never have too much live rock! So either way its lookin great!! Keep up the pics!! Todd


Active Member
Very nice tank! I also do not think you will need that much more rock though. Like stated by Todd, it might be a little crowded with that much rock in there.