just a few pics of my Madrian


Active Member
Awesome, is this the one you just got? How is he doing in your tank so far? I know it is well established, that it good. Is he fun to watch?


Well he is doing good so far been in since Saturday. I have a LFS that sales copods if I think he is starting to get small. So far he is my new fav fish to watch. I use to like to watch my GSM and still do. But me and the boys will sit on the bed and watch this guy for hours everyday he is just so intresting. I know my tank has been up for over a year but I am still worried about food supply I so hope he continues to do well. These fish have to be one of the coolest out there. IMO This guy is fat and is about 3" long att.


Active Member
I agree with you 100 %, he looks very large (great!) Thats awesome your LFS sells pods...I wish mine did. Lol, i was thinking about getting a Mandarin soon...I don't know if i would get a regular one of the green ones...They are both really cool. But I would be really concerned about food supply too, I would have to find some place i can buy them if needed, it's way cool that you have that. Awesome fish and tank! Great work.


Active Member
I looooooooove mandrins...there soooooooo cool!...i've had mine for about 4 months in my 125....
is yours eatting pretty well?...good pods?


My tank has been up for over a year and a lot of the rock I just added came from the tank she has been in for many years. As you can see she is fat. I just have to watch her and make sure she stays that way she was in a 135 and is now in my 75. Little smaller tank. I do have a lfs that sales pods so if I notice anything I will for sure buy some to keep her alive she is my fav fish. I wanted a green phsycadelic but glad i got her instead she came with the 135 I bought for the rock and corals in it.


Active Member
Aren't there online pod suppliers too? I really want to get a mandarin, but i want to be sure it will survive...Its sure nice to see how much success you guys are having!! Very encouraging, great work guys!


Active Member
i just got a mandarin ,too! it looks just like yours too ! whats yours eatin ? i got mine only couse it was eatin mysis and FLAKES! by far my favorite fish! whats your fish list beacouse mine is a reef with a mandarine and a gsm too lol


she eats pods my tank has been up for a year and has about 100-125LBS LR I do notice her eating frozen mysis that I un thaw and squirt in with a syringe once in a while.