Just a Few Questions

mini micro

New Member
I'm just new to the forum only found it by accident which is lucky lol. But I have a few questions I would like to ask if any one can help?
I just set up my second tank which is 450L approx 120 gallons, in my old tank I had problems with algae i put in some tubro snails but they didn't last to long and soon died, I seem to be having this same problem with my new tank and I have been cleaning it manually I was wondering if any one knew of anything else i could try!?
Also for this size of tank i was wondering approx how many fish would fit in this tank? At the mo I currently have a yellow tang, Regal tang, Royal Gamma, 2 clown fish, 2 orange fire fish, 4 green chromis, clown wrasse and a fireball angel, Live rock and a hairy mushroom rock and a pink birds nest and also 3 tube worms.

mini micro

New Member
i have 2 36W white lights and 2 36W blue lights which is what i was reckomended to get. I was thinking I was over my limit but none of these fish are anywhere near fully grown and when they do out grow my tank I would be taking them back to the shop.


Originally Posted by Beatlesfan
How long has the tank been set-up?
Has it cycled?
Also your most likely over your limit right now.