Just a little curious!!!!


I have been into salt water for a few years now and I just set up my third tank with live rock also not my first reef tank. It has been cycling two weeks but for the first time im starting to get like two hair green hair algee al over the tank. You always learn something new in this hobby, and I have never seen this before in my other two, just curious why its happening in this tank, all my levels are good, calcium is a bit low, but I wouldnt Think that matters. any ideas would be highly appreciated. thanks


ok that can be a million things none of that could be an option well Ph buffers and water maybe I have been using r/o water and a kent marine ph buffer. I have a sump with carbon media and my salt level is ok.
•uneaten food
•plant decay
•dying algae
•fish feces
•dead fish
•carbon filter media
•aquarium salts
•pH buffers
•kH buffers
•water itself