Just a neat Hermit with piggyback riders.


This little guy was caught while snorkleing in Florida. He is in his own tank with 2 starfish and a couple of Damsils. He will eat snails, small hermits,live clams, and anything else I feed him.
I just think he is real neat so I am sharing him with everyone else. He has a Anemone on his back and the Anemone has a Anemone crab living on him. So this is a 3 for one lifestyle..

Can anyone tell me what kind of Crab he is and what kind of Anemone it is?



I need a better pic of the anemone. I know here in Texas i can go to the jetties and collect rock anemones by the hundreds...


New Member
It looks like an anemone hermit crab like I have. Mine has two anemones on him. And yes, he is a punk, eating snails and other hermits. I just had a firefish die in the tank he's in (heater malfunction, tank got too hot, heater replaced, lol) and he took no time gobbling him up. He's about the size of a golfball, maybe a bit bigger now.