just a pic of my lion with my new clam


Active Member
u can see how big this clam really is when my lion sits on it hes found a new place to perch on the side of his shell


Active Member
i know tell me about it....
im figurin its cuz the tanks new.... well the sand is i brought my rocks over from my 180 but the tanks only a month old or so i just got a diamond goby and hes got half the tank clean just not that side yet
all water checks out fine but u know how this kinda stuff works lol


Id guess the slime is from the sunlight. Isnt that the side that gets sunlight?
Might wanna get some more hermits or try blocking the sunlight a little.


Active Member
Originally Posted by murph145
i know tell me about it....
im figurin its cuz the tanks new.... well the sand is i brought my rocks over from my 180 but the tanks only a month old or so i just got a diamond goby and hes got half the tank clean just not that side yet
all water checks out fine but u know how this kinda stuff works lol
not to get off topic or anything but how do you like your diamond goby?? we have one and he does an awesome job on our 125. awesome clam by the way!!


Active Member
it migth be due to the sunlight from the window but most of the time i keep the blinds closed during the day and it grows on both sides of the tank....
the right side is cleaner due to my diamond goby but he hasnt gone to the other side yet to stir up the sand
the diamond goby is a very cool fish but hes kinda reclusive and hides in his hole under a rock alot of the time then comes out for a lil while messes with the sand then back to his whole hes still kinda new like a week to the tank so i figure he'll come out more when he gets more familiar


Active Member
hey always ate frozen from day one
but lately i have found him to have a larger appatite
he eats the frozen foods such as brine mysid formula one and 2 and other things but the other day he decided to eat a new fish a pearly jaw fish and im thinking he ate it due to its resemblence to a piece of squid that he also likes to eat
but he doesnt botehr my little lyretail anthias or my smaller lawn mower blenny so hes doing well


i got a fu manchu and i havent seen eat...i m thinkin of taking him out put on qt and try to make him eat :mad:


Very Nice!!! How long have you had your yellow dwarf & what size is it?
jhebi - Don't feel bad just keep trying, the Fu ManChu is very tough to get on frozen foods.


Hey murf how offten are you feeding your lion? I feed mine a good chunck of krill or mysis every 2-3 days. Also is that the fish that he has eatn?


Active Member
hey he eats every day with the other fish but i try to give him a lil more every now and then cuz he seems to eat alot now
the fish that he ate was my pearly jaw fish lol which was a $20 meal he hasnt eaten anything else that i know of my anthias are all doing well my cleaner shrimp is fine all my hermits are ok and so is my lawn mower blenny
hopefully he doesnt develope a taste for fish


i was gonna see if mine had an appatite for shrimp so its good to hear that yours doesnt so maybes theres hope for acouple of shrimp in my tank lol


Active Member
do clams eat fish?
i dont that it really can eat something like that when the lion goes on top of his mantle he just flinches and sucks in a lil


I don't think it could eat the lion but clams have been know to close fast.... Your dwarf should be fine, they make the dash with any strange movement. lol
Murph mine is the same way 4 inches and holding, I have had my yellow dwarf for about two years & it seems to be at the point it has not grown longer but he has filled out nicely.


Hmmm i wonder if this si kinda like a dwarf dwarf lionfish that only gets like 4in? I hope mine stays abotu 4 inches(about that now) so then i got alittle bit broader choice of fish. STill gotta test out that shrimp safeness though. ill post pics of mine some time. Hes pretty shy except for feedinf time so sometimes its hard to get good pics? Are you guys's shy at all?