Just a quick question


Active Member
Just wondering, i read a post which was posted by Fenner and crew about splitting anemones. I think I read right that the split them in have with a razor blade in order to propagate them I think thats right. also they talked about fragments of anemones surviving from an accident and thriving. I wonder then how it is that a foot injury can be so tragic for them. I mean, I know it is but dont they have to cut through the foot to do this? Would'nt this be a much deadlier tragity? Maybe they were talkin about rare instances but... Any body know about this? Thomas? Just wondering.


I've done some looking on this before, even a rubber band has been used, however from the results I read back then survival was rather poor. The fragments becoming anemones, yes I've heard of that before also, but agian, how often do you read about it? It's just not a normal process and results have been poor from my reading.
Put it this way, if it were that easy even I'd be rich!


Active Member
This is one of many responces by Anthony Calfo on the site he's on about the subject. This is to a Q about cutting a green carpet.
Dien... you will want/need to establish the anemone for more thana few months in a species tank (no other anemones or corals please) and feed it well. That is the key to success. The actual propagating technique is simple slicing the animal bilaterally with a sharp blade like a fillet knife. It's not rocket science.........