just a reminder!


Active Member
Just a reminder to try and save some newbies some major headaches. With spring and summer coming up soon, this is the time of the year when I normally start seeing alot fish with flukes that can spread to all fish in your tank and kill them. The flukes can normally be seen the easiest on the eyes of fish, and will look like a little hazy or milky patch on the eye. It may be a rather small spot or cover most of the eye, but can cause major problems either way. So if you are purchasing from a lfs then make sure and pay close attention to this, but you will still need to quarantine new fish (obviously fish purchased off the internet as well). Check out the stickies in the treatment and disease forum for info on how to quarantine fish if you are not sure.


Active Member
What has been your experience with "Harlequin Tusk"...?
I'm looking for one and have been told it's a "summer time" only fish...at least from the local LFS and a few on line sites...(including this one)


Active Member
They are normally a little cheaper in the summer time, as most fish seem to be. I am not sure why, but this is also getting to be when a lot more of the "rare" fish start becoming available as well. I would only get an austrailian tusk though... I think you would be much happier in the long run. The fish I see the flukes on the most are tangs, angels, groupers, and butterflys. Thats not to say they won't be on other fish though.