just a simple question

john harlan

i was just wondering if i could add a 5 in naso tang to my already establish
100 gallon its current inhabitats are a 3 in dogface a 2 purple tang a 2 in salfin tang and 2 small dimond gobys


Originally Posted by john harlan
i was just wondering if i could add a 5 in naso tang to my already establish
100 gallon its current inhabitats are a 3 in dogface a 2 purple tang a 2 in salfin tang and 2 small dimond gobys
It will eventually grow to big for your tank. I would also venture a bet that the sailfin and the purple tang will boss it around even if it's twice as big. My sailfin is definitely the boss in my tank.
I'd pass. There are better suited tangs for your tank.


Originally Posted by john harlan
what do you think would be okay and do you think my tank has two many fish?
Kole or Tomini Tang would be fine.
Honestly, you might want to look at some smaller fish, cardinals, anthias, chromis. Maybe a dwarf angel.
I don't think that your tank is maxed out for fish, just maxed out for large fish. And tangs just get too big and need too much swim space that your tank won't offer (other than the ones you have).

john harlan

so my tank is not maxed i just cant add bigger fish but wouldn't the purple and salfin pick on the cardinals and anthias also could i add a 3-4 in majestic angel because my friend is taking down his tank and he said i could just have it


Originally Posted by john harlan
so my tank is not maxed i just cant add bigger fish but wouldn't the purple and salfin pick on the cardinals and anthias also could i add a 3-4 in majestic angel because my friend is taking down his tank and he said i could just have it
They shouldn't bother the other fish. They will boss them around for a few days if they're really aggressive. My sailfin is tough on my Naso, but she leaves everyone else alone, a lot of which were added after her. All of the Zebrasoma tangs usually only bother other tangs, especially other Zebrasomas.
I'm not a huge fan of large tangs or angels in tanks that are under 125G, or less than 6 feet long. The fish need the swimming room. But if it's free? I don't know that I'd turn it down.