just add water ;x

soo high

I just added water :) in my tank also it clody from the sand... how long till it clear's up and there's fom on top of the water is that normal and also do i run my wet/dry system now or wait till it clear up :notsure:

salty cheese

Active Member
It will settle in a day or 2, once the bacteria bonds with the sand grains. IMO there is no need to run the wetdry while cycling.


Active Member
You absolutely want to run the wet/dry as soon as possible if that is main or only form of filtration. You are getting the wet/dry confused with the protein skimmer. You do not want the protein skimmer running until your cycle is over, however, you definitely need the wet/dry running now.

soo high

LoL confused now, now ok turn the wetdry on but it still cloudy from the sand and salt wouldnt it suck it in and how many shrimp i put in i have a 75 gallon tank with play sand and base rock haven got my shipment in of the live rock but it should come in wendays

soo high

and also when do i check my salt water level with my hydrometer when it clear up or when it still cloudy


Active Member
Yes turn on your wet/dry filter. Its ok if it sucks it in. It will help it clear. Give it a few days. You should be good with 1 shrimp.


Active Member
Originally Posted by SoO High
and when do i use the hydrometer when it clear or right away
Either way is ok.

soo high

i used my hydrometer when it is still cloudy and the meter goes way up and i put like omost 2 large bag in the tank of istant ocean i dunno if it broken or what need info


Active Member
Originally Posted by SoO High
i used my hydrometer when it is still cloudy and the meter goes way up and i put like omost 2 large bag in the tank of istant ocean i dunno if it broken or what need info
ok well first of all there is your clue on why a hydrometer is useless, ditch the hydro and get a refract. it is so more beneficial in the long run, it will help with your weekly H20 changes as well as if you have a sick fish with ick.. as well as give you accurate salinity readings, the extra 40-50 bucks for a refractometer is a very small cost compared to problems created by wrong salinity readings and disease, IMO...