Just Added A Pair of Skunk Clowns--Anemones?


I just added two skunk clownfish to my 75 gallon tank. I will be adding corals when I upgrade my lighting system. Right now it is FOWLR. I like watching the clownfish in the anemones, but have been told by my LFS to reconsider adding anemones.
What are the pros and cons of anemones?


Active Member
The pros are that they are beautiful to watch and fun to have something to care for. They are very interesting animals.
The cons is that they can be fragile animals. They require special lighting and pristine water conditions. They also can cause the clowns to be more aggressive because they try to defend their "house". There is also no guarantee that the clowns will host although since the skunks are probably wild caught they may do it right away. Also skunks aren't particularly aggressive anyway so that is prolly not a problem. Anemones can kill and eat other fish. They can also sting any corals that they touch and they can really stretch and expand so keep that in mind when you start getting corals and deciding on their placement.
Honestly there are a lot more cons than pros when it comes to anemones but I think the beauty and pride that comes with owning one is well worth it. I have a bubbletip and I love it. My false percs have never hosted it either, although I do have a porcelain crab hosting it that will try and take my finger off if I go near it.


That is very helpful. I am going to go with a bubbletip, if anything. I would be somewhat disappointed if the skunk clowns didn't host to it, but I am leaning towards getting one, after the light upgrade.