Just an update.


Active Member
I was gonna get pics and stuff but I cant due to poor shot quality and lack of a magnifying glass "it really helps get thoughs close ups". I was gonna let you all know my coralline algea is spreading most of my rocks have neon green and pinkish/purple spots all over them. Off to a good start considering I started with 5 shells 1 clam shell and about a 1lb rock that had coralline on it!
My other good news is I am expecting little ones soon. My peppermint is carring a giant bag of eggs on her tail cant wait to see if any make it. They may all get eating up but at least my fish will have a treat but since I only have 2 fish some might make it and that would be really cool!


How come you don't put the peppermint in the qt tank. Maybe they would have a little chance. I would love to see a picture of them when they hatch.


Active Member
I have no way of ketching it to take it out so that isnt an option. If they get eatin or die so be it I have no way of stopping it at least my fish will have some exotic food for a day or so. Mabey some will live but who knows.