just bought a dog face puffer and he hasnt eaten in three days


i was just wondering if it where normal for some puffers not to eat after they where introduce into a new aquarium he seems healthy has good color and everything else but he just wont eat wondering if any of you puffer pros can help me out a bit


Active Member
It's not uncommon for them to be shy and not eat for a few days or a week, after being introduced into a new tank.
Can you give us some other info about your tank? Size, filtration, tank mates, etc?


well hes in my 90 gal with a niger trigger and a pink tail trigger . as far as my filtration goes on this tank its a custom sump with an css 220 skimmer , bio balls (yes and i know bioballs get frowned on but i love them and run them in both my tanks 90 and 240 and when i build my 1,000 gal inwall it to will run bioballs also never had a problem with them)
rio 20hf for a return pump. i do biweekly 25% water changes. my ph is 8.4, nitrate,nitrite,and amonia is non detectable my sg is 1.022 .i have 30 lbs live rock and 40 lbs live sand. this tank has been running like this for the last 3 yrs without a hicup only change ive done is change the skimmer from a kent ex 24 to an css 220


yeah thats what i was thinking, it just seemed a little wierd cause cause my porc puffer in my 240 started eatin right away


Active Member
One of my very first fish, in my 200gal. was a Dog Faced. He grew from about 3" to 7" in about 6 months. That is, until he decided to knock the protective cover off of the powerhead and then got murdered by it. :(
It took him a little over a week before he came out of hiding and would accept food.


Active Member
My new dog face took about a week give or take before it started eating. and even now it has to be hand feed to keep away the other fish .