I just bought a dual 175 watt MH with 2 48inch VHO lighting system. The system is in a hood and has cooling vans (5 inch fans) on both ends of the hood. The system is used (5 years old). It only cost $250 with the condition that if it did not work out it could be returned. What I am hoping ya'll can help me with is how much heat will this system produce and will I need a chiller. The tank is a 125 gallon and serves as a wall between the living room and foyer so heat is a major issue to the overall comfort of the living room. I was hoping the lights that came with it still worked so I could get a feel for the heat it produced but had no such luck. Now I am in the predicament of buying bulbs ($120) and hoping for the best, returning it, or trying to sell it and make some money (Is that possible considering I paid $250 for it?).
The ballast is HUGE, about the size of a VCR. I know this is not normal but considering it is actually two MH ballast and 1 VHO ballast does that explain it? Or does the size indicate it is not electronic but magnetic? Or does the fact I bought it from a LFS which used it in the store have any effect (commercial grade)? The ballast is a Hamilton ballast.
Please, please, please help me with this. The tank only has NO lights and ultimately want it to be a reef tank. Thanks for the help, Ags.
The ballast is HUGE, about the size of a VCR. I know this is not normal but considering it is actually two MH ballast and 1 VHO ballast does that explain it? Or does the size indicate it is not electronic but magnetic? Or does the fact I bought it from a LFS which used it in the store have any effect (commercial grade)? The ballast is a Hamilton ballast.
Please, please, please help me with this. The tank only has NO lights and ultimately want it to be a reef tank. Thanks for the help, Ags.