Just bought my first Flame Hawkfish...


New Member
This fish is really interesting. I like the way it swims. I also like the way it lands on top of rocks and just hangs out.
I am going to be brave or stupid (you pick) and leave my large coral banded shrimp in with him. He is quite a bit smaller than my shrimp. So far they don't seem too interestd in each other.
I almost went with a longnosed, but they flame just seemed to have more personalilty than the longnosed.
I paid $39.99 and was able to choose from a tank of about 10 of them. Price seemed a little high, but the fish looked very healthy to me.
Anyway, just wanted to let you know that the flame hawk has yet another fan.
Congrats on a FABULOUS fish. IMHO it is the single best fish for a reef tank. Wait till he gets to know you, what fun!
I wouldn't worry about your shrimp at all. (Hope I haven't jinxed you now :rolleyes: )
I have had mine cleaned by by scarlet cleaned shrimp, what a sight to see.
Feed him good, mine eats out of my hand. Chunks of scallop, shrimp, silverside, etc. Try to stay away from too much flake, give him natural foods and he will thrive.


Just to let you know you didn't over pay for the Hawkfish....I got mine for 40.00 as well...and I consider that a very fair price. Be careful with your Coral Banded shrimp and the Hawk, simply because the Hawkfish are very curious and could get hurt by the shrimp. I remember one time I put some feeder ghost shrimp in the tank with him (about 7). And they were gone within a couple hours. You'll absolutely love this fish and you'll be a huge fan as I am in a short period of time.


Congrads on your FLame hawk, you will really enjoy your new addition. I just lost mine last night. :( I am going in an hour to have my water tested. I am at a graet loss for why. If my water checks out good I will hopefully be getting another one this weekend.
I just got back from my lfs and water tested great, so it is not the water. They think it sounds like some sort of contamination. I am going to wait a week then I will get a new Flame hawkfish.
[ November 09, 2001: Message edited by: Shel ]


Active Member
Just got back from a business trip to India and saw your post on the flame.
Great fish for all hobbiest who want an interesting , inquisitive and down right fun fish to watch as well as care for. His swimming pattern which you like is caused by the fact that hawks do not have swim bladders and as such needs to wiggle his body quite excessively to get to his destination. Hope he has plenty of places to perch and observe his surroundings. His eyes move around quite obviously as he looks to pounce on a morsel of food or invertibrate, like shrimp. Hawks are carnivorous and while they are not overly aggressive they can eat shrimp when they get large enough (usually no more than 3-3.5 inches in captivity). If you keep him well fed , you might get away with keeping them together. How big is your tank? Are there plenty of places to perch ?
The price you paid was reasonable. This fish will give you years of "entertainment" as he is truly the "clown" of the tank once acclamated. Very hardy as well and thus am a bit confused as to what happened to Shel's hawk. Sorry Shel.
It's great to add another flamehawk enthusiast!!!!


Active Member
I was always interested in a flame hawk but i have a cleaner shrimp and thouht it would turn into an expensive snack. :) Now that i hear some success storys of keeping these two togeher, i may HAVE to get one. Sounds like flame hawks reef safe, are they? What about long nose hawks? A splash of red would also be a great adition to my tank! :D


Not to reiterate but I have had many flame hawks over the last 20 years & have never had a problem with them bothering my shrimp (mostly coral banded). Now that is not to say that there might be the odd specimen who is overly aggressive out there... They are awesome fish. Just imagine what would happen if they are tank-bred in the future?


I don't think your flame will bother the blenny, mine doesn't. But mine will bother my watchman goby. Anyways, my flame hasn't eaten any shrimp that was big, but he has be seen attacking hermit crabs, but he can never get to them, they are too quick. I put about 12 ghost shrimp in my tank last night, and even the ghost shrimp were to fast for my flame. The six line wrasse would catch the ghost shrimp, and the flame would steal from the wrasse. Maybe mine is getting to fat!! LOL


FlameHawk, I think I found out what happend to my Flamehawk. :( I bought one shrimp from the fresh seafood area at the grocery store. I was tring to feed my sea anemone and the Tang took it and was eating it, then came the flame hawk. He ate some also, you know how they love meat. I did this on tuesday night they both died on thursday night. I did a 30 gallon water change, and had my water tested at the LFS. The water is perfect. They were ones that helped me figure out what went wrong. Thank god everyone else is doing great, even my maroon clowns. I will not feed fresh shirmp again, and I will be replacing my flame hawk very soon. I am making sure nothing else goes wrong, plus I am redoing my rocks. Maybe this weekend or next. :D I do miss him terrible.
My flame hawk loved ghost shrimp, very good at catching them and he never bothered my blemmy. He did not like the Blue Damsel.


Active Member
Sorry to here about your misfortune. Stay away from this seafood place. Let us know when you get your new flame. The best of luck to you!
Flamehawk is pretty compatible with all fish, even other hawks. Mine is in a 125 along with a falco also. They get along great and seem to mind their own business. I know many say they are not compatible but my two are.
Also hawks really like spectrum medium pellets as dry food. Frozen Brime or mysis shrimp soaked in selcor is their favorite.
[ November 12, 2001: Message edited by: flamehawk ]