Just curious..


They sell fish on SWF.com, show them in stock, but have no pictures available?? Why is that, New people and others would like to see what they are ordering....Just wondering whats up...

mr . salty

Active Member
Ther are a couple explanations to this one.
SWfish is currently reworking the store,so new pictures will be up soon...
And you really should know what you are buying before you buy it.If you don't even know what a fish looks like,you havn't done enough homework to properly care for it...
Buying a fish just because it is "pretty"is not the best way to pick your livestock.Sure we all want pretty fish,but there is alot more to stocking a tank than filling it with pretty fish...


Active Member
I agree Mr Salty but it would be nice for new people and experiencd people to be able to see what they are reading and thinking about. I like to look for a pretty fish then find all the info on it before I buy it.

mr . salty

Active Member
By the way,I didn't mean to harsh at all with that post...After reading it,it could be taken that way,That was not my intent at all....


No problem, wasn't taken that way, was just curious! When you buy something, especially when they are things like exotic fish, there are many variations etc..My concern is buying something that you have done research on that maybe you got some missinformation on, or comes in different colors etc and getting a live animal shipped to you that may not be what you exactly want! And as a side note from a business prospective, when you have to go to other sites for pictures, and more detailed info, you are more apt to buy there! Kinda why I generally buy things at a place I know and trust because I know I will get good info etc...Just my opinion. I want the site to be better for everyone thats all!! Thank you for the explaination, I am new to the board and did not know they were redoing the site....Thanks for the info
Regards, Bill