Just finished cycle, what type of fish go good.???


I just finished cycling my 40 gallon tank. I am looking at a Naso Tang and maybe two more. What else to get to add some colour and some variety. I have a 55 gallon going now with a puffer, clown and a flame angel. I would like to change things up, Thanks

mr . salty

Active Member
I wouldn't suggest putting any tang in a 40 gallon tank.They require larger tanks.I would suggest you start off with cheaper/hardier fish.Just in case the tank has any problems so soon after it's cycle.Say a clown,or a chromis or two.


I wouldn't start out with a chromis cause they'll get to be very territorial and be agressive with anything you put in after that. they're good to add if you really want them way down the line when they're close to the last ones in. i started out with a 6-lined wrasse and am so glad i did...he was a great addition. but i don't know anything about your setup so who knows.


I am looking to keep the tank pretty open. Not a lot of room in a 40 gallon tank anyway...something we will see...not looking to use a lot of live rock.


Tang, bad idea. There are plenty of awesome fish you can get in a 40 gallon, but id say do research and dont get fish you cant keep in the tank when they grow. Personally, i would go with clownfish, maybe a bicolor angel or if ya wants to get aggressive, you could go with a smaller lion and even a snowflake eel.
Just an opinion.


Active Member
hmmmm, tang, are you looking for the algae aspect, or the color and size
if it is the algae, i would look at lawnmower, sailfin or algae blennies(same species), and can be added early, they are hearty fish
if not, you may wish to consider a dwarf angel(later on, after the tank has matured several months), but in either case, i too would consider not adding a tang
chromis are great little fish and i have never noticed any aggression from mine, and they werre the first we purchased for our 40 gallon, nd some of the first moved to the 75 after we got that running
or like mr salty said a clown is another good choice, but i would go with a percula or false percula, since they are the least aggressive, and in tank your size you would probably want more smaller and less aggressive fish