Just finished my stockman standpipe


I just finished installing my stockman standpipe on my life reef overflow and it's whisper quiet. One question though to anyone who has made one of these. The water in the overflow seems to rise and fall about a 1/2 inch around the stockman, no sucking air noises though. Is this normal or should I increase the whole in the end cap a little bit?


the rise and fall, as explained above, is completely due to the size of the venting hole. more water is moving down the pipe than your curent hole is allowing for suction to dissipate.
as noted above, you can do the airline and needle valve trick, i just use silicone and glued the needle valve directly to my stockman. get a nice big valve though, you can close them down to nothing, so there is no reason to try to buy a really small one.
on the fli side by the way, if you open the hole up too much, the water level will rize to the top of your standpipe, and will trickle in the hole at the top, slurping a bit, so naking a very big hole to avoid the needle valve isnt going to be a quiet fix )i tried that too).