Just Found Out My Puffer Has Ick


New Member
My Dogface Puffer has salt like spots all over its body. I figure that it is Ick. I went to the store and bought some Ick med. Will it work and how long?
I dont think any of the other fish has cought it bad yet. Need Help


What kind of med? Have you investigated hyposalilnity? Before you drug the poor thing, check your options! Is there live sand/live rock in the tank? Inverts? Do you have a hospital/quarantine tank?


New Member
I put Quick Cure in the tank. Last night it almost completely removed the salt like spots from the puffer. Now the puffer is swimming and looks fine. should I still do anything else to the tank or wait and see what happens?
I have (1) Lion (1) Pink Anthious (1) Niger (1) Yellow Tang & (2) Damsels. Live Rock & Live Sand (2) Whisper 4 a power head, heater & a protien skimmer in a 55 Gallon tank. Thanks For Replying.


New Member
should I still hyposalinity my tank and stop using the Quick cure? On the bottle it says that it will cure a tank in 2 days. (not to seem stupid, but this is my first ICK incounter.)