Just getting back into the hobby and I have a few questions


New Member
OK so I ordered my 14 gallon BioCube this afternoon and I'm very excited. I previously had a 75 gallon reef, a 150 gallon FOWLR, and a 12 gallon nano and I have missed having fish. Thanks for taking the time to read my thread and for any information you can give me.
First off, I still have some left over was-once-live-but-isn't-anymore rock from my previous tanks. I was going to use it as base rock and just buy some live rock to help seed my tank. The old rock has been sitting in my garage, dry, in a tote for 3 years. I'm sure it has some dust and sawdust on it. I was planning on just giving it a good scrub with a bristle brush and adding it to the tank. Do I need to do anything else to it? I was a little worried about the sawdust but he has not cut any green treated wood in there I think it's all just been 2 by 4s and plywood.
Secondly, I plan on pulling the stuff out of the back and doing the chaeto/chemipure/purigen thing. And I am wondering if I need a skimmer and if the pump that comes with it is enough water movement or if I should upgrade it?
I'm happy with the lights that come with it for now. I'm not thinking of keeping anything that should need Halides.
Is there anything else that I should add to my equipment list for the tank itself?
Thanks again.


Don't know much about those tanks, but as far as the dead live rock...I personally would boil it first...about 15 minutes per piece. JMHO


Active Member
Welcome back to the hobby buddy
IMO i think the rock in the tote will be fine. Just like you said make sure u wash it good b4 adding in tank.. Like Last post stated adding in boiling water would help alot too
NO skimmer is needed if you do 20% weekly waterchanges, so you should be good on that
Now for Flow I would at least get a Koralia 1 Powerhead for more flow, and also another thing thats good to do is Replace the Return Pump with a Maxi Jet 900 but that could be done later down the road if you feel its still needed