Just getting started, are these fish ok with eachother?


New Member
We have a 92 gallon tank, Just started a few days ago. Put in 40lb live sand, 65lb base rock, and I'm going to get live rock after I get lights set up(probably between 60-80lb's) . We have a great pump, and the lights are top notch.( just need to figure out how to hang them from the celing) Will get a skimmer when I get fish. I'm in no hurry, I want to do this right. After I add some live rock, I would like to start adding fish. I think this would be the best order to do so. 3 Green Chromis, 1 common Clownfish, 2 yellow tailed blue damsel, 1 Regal tang, 1 Yellow tang, and 1 Mandarinfish. I would of course space these additions out a few weeks or so. I also need to know what type of "cleaning crew (and how much) I should go with. Your opinions and suggestions would be greatly appreciated.

tony detroit

Active Member
Welcome to SWF
Most of those fish have a possibility to work, but I'll give you a few personal experiences of my own.
1. a 92 corner will be too small for tangs within 1-2years time, but if you set it up right, you may be ok with some juveniles for a short while, they're also not good beginner fish if you are a beginner, you might want to wait a while.
2. mandarins need live food living in the liverock or copepods, or pods for short in case you read it and wondered what it was, so you may be ok, you may not, a 92 is somewhat on the small side of things, you may be able to keep a mandarin healthy after the tank has been up and running for a year or so.
3. Damsels are a *****, they beat up a lot of other fish, and tear things up sometimes too, I'd stay away from them altogether.
4. Chromis are just great, I love them, they're easy, they school and are mellow tempered, you'll be very happy with them.
For cleanup crew, try 2 emerald crabs, 5 turbo snails, 15 margarita snails, and say 30-50 hermits, and increase the above if you have algae problems. But the real key to a clean tank is the filtration, this lesson took me a long time to learn, but I finally figured it out. Nice tank, when those are set up correctly they look beautiful, take your time and you'll do just fine. I run a 175bow for my reef.
What kind of equipment are you planning on going with?


Active Member
All those fish would be overstocked in your tank. IMHO, don't get the 2 damsels because they can get pretty aggresive. And not the mandarin either, they eat pods and without 100+ lbs of live rock it will deplete the pod population and starve.