Just got a 55 gallon SW tank...


New Member
YEah i just got one, filters, skimmer, heater, ls, lr, awesome stand/canopy for 175$!!!!
Anyways, i just rearranged the rocks and theres a bunch of algae on um, what kinds of fish eat algae, or should i justget it off myself?


Active Member
OK...there are a few holes needing to be filled here.
You just got this tank...first off, sounds like a great buy!
How did you fill the tank? Did you just transfer an existing set up, water and all?
If not, and you started fresh, your tank still needs to cycle. I wouldn't add any fish until that happens.
If your tank is ready for fish, lawnmower blenny's, emerald crabs, hermit crabs...that should help the algae.


how much rock did it come with? buzz is 100% right, you have to let the tank cycle before you put anything in.


New Member
its all water from his old tank. How ever, i put in a additional 5 gallons too make the salinity level perfect.
Also, i would like too know what all you need too know before you put in fish....
My salinty level and temperature is almost perfect.
I know its a stupid question...but this is my first sw tank....


You need to get yourself a good basic SW test kit. Something that will test for ammonia, nitrites, nitrates, pH, and alkalinity. Most manufacturers sell kits like this. You should also get a good book, better to read up now than lose lots of fish and money. Once you test water, you want
nitrates >20mg/l,
but most importantly READ READ READ!!


it really doesn't matter if all the water is from his tank. the filters, live rock and substrate are what hold the beneficial bacteria. you should at least wait a week or so just to make sure the tank is not going to recycle. if you dont have a test kit, buy one. it is one of the most valuable tools that u will need. just get the basic test kit that has tests for ammonia,nitrite,nitrate,ph and alk.
the first thing you need to do before you put fish in is do a little research on the fish you would like to keep. you should have no more than 1 inch of fish for every 5 gallons of water. make sure you take into account the adult size of the fish and not the size they sell in the store. alot of the fish they sell may only be 2 or 3 inches long, but can grow to over 2 feet. try to stay away from puffers,triggers,large angel , groupers and tangs. most of these fish will quickly outgrow your tank. good luck
I had algal problems...heres what I did
I bought turbo snails to get the crap off the sides
Than I bought a coral beauty...........this fish eats all the algae off my plants and colrals