just got a batfish for my tank!


Active Member
Hey, I just wanted to post some pics of my newly purchased orbic batfish for 210 gallon tank. I acclimated him last night and today he was doing quite well and he eats like a pig already. Haven't tried giving him a banana yet though lol



Active Member
Lion...uh.. did you RRREEEEAAALLLLYYYY get that fish??? RRRREEEAAALLYYYYY??????
can u post more pix? :jumping: Please??? :jumping: PLEASE???? :jumping: and how 'bout a full tank shot???? :jumping:
Oooooooooooh I'm so excited for you!!! Batfish are DA BOMB DIGGITY!!!


Active Member
here are some more pics of the bat for your Mimzy. I will take some more tomorrow. It is a hard fish to capture a good picture of because it is so active. I am glad you like the fish too. They are one of my favorites too, I just never had the tank to house one. I am also going to post some more pics of my tank in the next post for you.



Active Member

Very cool! How big is your batfish? He sure is beautiful, certainly nothing that I can ever hope to have....best of luck to you with him/her.
Lisa :happyfish


Active Member
Right now the batfish is about 6-8" in height. Simply a beautiful fish.
Here are more shots of my tank. The tank was just set up three weeks ago, with everything in my 75 being moved over into the 210. The tank inhabitants are:
-volitan lion
-fuzzy dwarf lion
-large puffer
-lawm mower blenny
-diamond goby
-engineer goby
-arc eye hawk fish
New additions to the 210
-2 pairs of neon cleaner gobies
-orbic batfish



Active Member
just a few more pics..
And just as a note: I do have live rock in the tank - 225 lbs., with 35 more in the curing process. I only have that fake blue sponge in the tank because it is the only spot where I can put the lmb's nori without my puffer eating it.



Active Member
The tank specs are as follows:
-225 lbs. of live rock
-closed loop system for flow
-ETSS 600 skimmer
-power compact lighting
-15 gallon refugium that houses chaeto and caulerpa
-auto-top off system for evaporation



Active Member
Originally Posted by connor
awesome tank has the puffer tried to nip the batfish's fins???
Thank you very much. No, surprisingly, the puffer is a very peaceful fish. Everyone knows he is the dominant one in the tank, and he does not mess with anyone. He never has. The bat is doing fantastically.


Active Member
Yes, that is my refugium, not my sump. My auto-top off is hooked up to the sump since that is where my evaporation occurs. That water level is only low because that is where the drains have the water level.