just got a valentini puffer Question


New Member
I just recieved a small valentini puffer.
Currently my tank has some damsels, cleaner crabs and snails, and a star fish.
Will the puffer kill my crabs and snails?


Active Member
It depends on your puffer's temperament;
Mine's never touched my crabs or snails, and is very timid.


New Member
I had a porcupine puffer and he ate just about every snail and crab i put in there. He would swallow shell and all then just spit the shell back out.


It depends greatly on the fish and its temperament.
A friend of mine has 2 longnose type puffers and they raised hell with a starfish and crabs that he had.
I had a Porky Puffer and he may have eaten 1 or 2 small crabs and an Arrow Crab, but other than that, he left most crabs/snails alone.