Just got me beautiful maroon clown fish but i have a quick ?


I have him in a 24 gallon aquapod and with about 25 to 30 pounds of lr and i got live sand also and a few corals and i was just wondering if anyone has seen a clown fish host a fake plastic anemone. Im wondering this because i want a anemone but i know i cant have a real one so i was just thinking about this. Thank u for ur help :help:


Active Member
I just got a small one today also! I already have a larger one, hoping they get along ok, alittle worried. Show us some pics, I will post some also in awhile.


I was always told maroons get too big for nano tanks. I wanted to get one for my 29, but decided not too after all the negative feedback...


Active Member
Originally Posted by puffer32
I just got a small one today also! I already have a larger one, hoping they get along ok, alittle worried. Show us some pics, I will post some also in awhile.
Well i had to take my new guy back
I put him in with my bigger maroon, and he tried to kill the little guy.. So we bagged him back up and took him back to the lfs who issued me credit, I was surprised since his policy is to bring back fish who die within 48 hrs. Guess I won't have a mated pair after all